[MXroute] Email Hosting - 50% off for HostBalls visitors!

As of tonight we’ve pushed V1 of our custom control panel. Don’t get too excited, “custom control panel” is a bit of a marketing term. It’s accurate depending on how you like to interpret things.

Anyway, it’s a cPanel theme finally customized properly. Still a lot more to do. Finalizing the customizations to ensure that everything not MXroute related or relevant is removed, streamlining processes through the existing UX, and then a redesign. By the end of it, I’ll be able to stop advertising cPanel just to prevent chargebacks :stuck_out_tongue:


Is the server IP hidden in the headers? Because I tried GMAIL’s SMTP and those fucks put the main server IP in the headers. Was going to use their free SMTP for just simple user registrations on my new forum, which is behind cloudflare.

I then tried hotmail’s and yahoo’s. Yahoo hid the IP. But yahoo’s delay is terrible (2-4 minutes), and for hotmail, that was a lie – didn’t try their smtp yet cause I raged.

Hi Jarland,

I have a few clients who need email services, lets say I purchase a plan at mxroute, then added all the domains to my plan, will my clients have the ability to login and check their webmail for their domain?

They’ll be able to log in to webmail, change their password, set autoresponders, and set filters.

You’re about to get a new client buddy… Also, is it possible to set up emails with WordPress? I have a vps running webuzo, I’ll need a way to link mxroute to each WordPress site… any tips on that?

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I’d create an email address for each site, then use a plug-in like WP-SMTP (may be more updated ones like it) and configure the email server/account in it’s settings. The SMTP server will be listed in the email you get after signing up.

Great, just signed up… 1 more thing. 1 of my clients sends out a newsletter every week, there is about 6000 recipients in her list. Would I be breaching any terms with regards to a list this large and so frequent?

MailChannels will likely catch it and halt it if it’s sent without enough delay. The way they work is they learn your sending patterns (per domain) and they block things that quickly ramp up without being part of a normal pattern. So, for example, the first week I might do a strong delay and have it send over the course of 24h. Maybe you take a couple hours off each time until you’re down to something around 6-12 hours.

Now the reason I say stop at around 6-12 hours delay on it is because you can increase the probability of the newsletter being seen as spam merely due to the content and frequency it hits the same filter at Google (which, let’s face it, is almost always most of the recipients). Much like MailChannels, Google doesn’t like large bursts at once either. So you end up doing yourself and the recipients a favor by introducing a reasonable delay.

Personally, I LOVE this for sending newsletters in an effective way:

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gotcha, is there a setting in the cpnael that’ll allow for periodic sending or do I gotta set it up manually? forgive me for my noobness…

If I’m hosting emails with mxroute, how do I use an email account with sendy? I see it only works with amazon SES

The only way to do that will be through mailing list software. You’ll really appreciate the time investment into a good mailing list manager application though. We have mailman with cPanel but, to be frank, it’s pretty archaic.

Granted, I suppose another way to do it is just manually dividing the recipients into batches and processing the batches by hand. That’d probably drive anyone insane though.

You can specify the SMTP server and credentials:


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I’d like to know if I’m the only one around here that did not use the 50% discount voucher. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Can this happen with registration/email confirmation emails?

Yes. Just report to us and we will sort it!

It can, but it’s unlikely to unless you get flooded with spam registrations.

Damn totally forgot about this discount and the BlackFriday offers that were still going back in Feb. Had meant to take advantage of the 100GB option.

Was just reminded this evening, when my wife asked me what would happen with her email account & my self hosted email server when I died. (Coz she knows ZIP about anything server related)

Hopefully something similar will be available this BlackFriday.

You are ok with your wife saying you will die first?.. Hope you took advantage of the moment.

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Remember: A best friend will wipe your browser history after you die, and knows how to access all of your stuff :smiley:


Honestly doesn’t bother me :slightly_smiling_face: divorce might come before that.

chuckles a good idea. I did write long notes when I was laid up in hospital a year or two ago, but never got around to sending them to anyone.