Linkedin: are you active there?

The network I don’t like the most is LinkedIn. Too much meaningless words. Almost nobody delivers quality stuff (or it’s just people around me?)

Anyway it seems people like LinkedIn and I have decided to become more active with really short posts about tech stuff I discover from time to time, mostly related to self hosting.

What about you? Are you there?




I have a profile there because that’s a must have when you’re looking for a job nowadays. I do try and apply for a job a few times a year, just to know what other companies feel like and what I’m worth in terms of salary.

That said, I’m not active, I just look at vacancies every now and then. LinkedIn has become the new Facebook/X where people want to make sure you make part of their “amazing lifestyle”. I don’t post nor reply anything, I feel I’d have a fulltime job pointing out how wrong people are with their crazy “opinions”. Populism works, but it annoys me to death. Don’t even get me started on recruiters…


Yeah, I’m more or less the same as @Solaire. I occasionally repost work-related stuff (or colleagues’ posts), but that’s more or less it


I rarely post something, but I use too. Sort of to build up a resume. Like @Solaire pointed out, it’s often required nowadays.


Last year I was looking for a job and decided to update my profile. Oh man that site made me feel really really bad.


Just put “For hire” and watch all the HR spammers slide into your DMs :slight_smile: .

I keep a profile for lulz, but I don’t use it.


I hate those HR guys who pm you all the time lol.


I have a profile there too, but damn those spammers!


It’s good to see you around, mate. Hope all’s well :slight_smile:

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I summoned him by running sudo the other day


Never even typed the site into an address bar lol

I go on every once in a while to like all the posts from people I know who are looking for work. I used to use it before I had a job.

I’ve started removing people I don’t know from my contacts

I got a “congratulations on 17 years with LinkedIn” email from them yesterday but I don’t really use the site. Reddit is really the only social media I use regularly and I deleted my account there when they decided to start charging to use their API (and when the Apollo shutdown). I eventually went back (and pay for Narwal now) but if I had to use the default site or mobile app I’d probably quit (again).

That makes two of us!