vPS or dedicated server?
and which hosting provider?
It used to be a Hetzner Cloud instance if I recall correctly, I’m not sure whether we’ve moved since @Jarland.
Hetzner, it used to be on CX21, later on it was upgraded
EDIT: Wolveix’d
very cheap!
“SB48” Hetzner auction server. Looks like…
64G mem
2x ~500GB NVMe
Oh damn, so we upgraded then
Overkill maybe?
Perhaps a bit
Does discourse need that much power and ram?
I think LES is running on a 2gb vps.
It doesn’t, but Hetzner auction servers are so cheap anyway.
Why use a low memory server when you can buy tons of unnecessary RAM?
Have you given the auction server that you’re using a cool name, @Jarland? I would imagine you using a quirky cultural reference like “Eagle 5” or something like that. (Maybe it’s just me, but I like to name machines that I use. I named my first car “Patsy” afte the “horse” in Monty Python and the Holy Grail.) --Katie
I just name everything “Taylor Swift” so it starts to get confusing after a while
Am surprised Mxroute doesn’t have a Taylor or Swift named server yet.
Surprised all tech support isn’t done as TSwift