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Ah, gotcha. Visually impaired I take it?

OVH’s setup process isn’t like Hetzner’s installimage stuff - it’s literally a few forms you go through to pick an image from dropdown, set hostname, set partitions, etc (all HTML) - then it does the install for you (no console access at all on SYS) and sends you an email when it’s done w/ root password (unless you gave it SSH keys).

It’s not as nice as having a KVM for me, but I haven’t had any issues using their install system yet.

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I still have OVH black friday 2016 i7 4790K 32G 2x240GB SSD for US$47 from years back and is my go to for all Centmin Mod LEMP stack testing so tempting to get another. If only I needed another one - these days need newer Intel / AMD EPYC cpus to test GCC 8 and Clang 5 & 6 optimised binary compilations.

Still tempting though !

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