Single Domain Auction

Single Domain Auction

bandwidths [.] org
Registrar: Dynadot
Expiry: 7th April 2021
Starting Price: $1
Minimum Bid Increment: $1
BIN: $100


  1. To participate in this auction, you’ll need to be a registered user here on HostedTalk with at least 10 non-spammy posts.
  2. Since it’s just a single domain auction, just place your bids without mentioning the domain name.
  3. No sniping. This will be enforced by extending the auction end time to an additional 5 minutes should there be any bids received within the last 5 minutes of the actual auction end time. If another bid is received within the 5 minutes of extended time, the auction will be extended further for another 5 minutes from the time the last bid was placed. The process will continue until no further bids are received for a 5 minute period and the highest and final bidder will win the auction.
  4. During the auction period, should someone claim the BIN for the domain, it will outbid any existing bids that has been placed thus ending the auction for the domain name instantly.

Payment Method:

  • PayPal (Payment to be made within 24 hours from end of auction. Winner covers PayPal fees, if any.)

Domain Transfer Options:

  1. Pushed within registrar.
  2. EPP/AUTH code will be provided to the winner should the winner chooses to have the domain name transferred out to a different registrar. Winner takes the cost for the transfer.

Auction Ends:
Friday, 26 June 2020, 20:00 (Stockholm)

1 Like

4 days to go.

1$ …

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$1 - Rovox

3 days to go.


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$2 - Poli outbidding @Rovox

$2 - Poli

2 days to go.

$2 - Poli

24 hours to go.

Just under 30 minutes to go.

Congratulations @Poli

I’ll be sending you a PM to finalize this.

Yay :grin:

Perfect just received the domain @TheDP is really a valuable person, loved to do that tiny move and didn’t except I would get it to be honest :joy:

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HOLD UP. $2 Domain? Why’d I miss this. :joy:

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