Remote Monitoring of windows pc


I am searching for a remote monitoring service, that will monitor CPU, RAM, HDD etc. A bit like hetrixtools but for monitoring windows pcs.

I do want to use it for monitoring our schools esport pcs. So I do have an easier way to see when some of the disks gets full. Maybe get an alert if the CPU / GPU usage has been high for more x time…

Do you know or have some exp with online services, that can help me with the above?

Edit: I looked at Tactical RMM, but that needs a vps… I would prefer a solution that does not require maintenance…
And I do use DWService - but that is mainly for remote control. (And I donate each month)

Edit2: Seems can help… the free cloud version.

Netdata looks like they have a Windows collector.

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Openitcockpit is pretty good and their windows agent works great!


Never knew of such a software. I’ll definitely check it out.

Thanks. Looks interesting. I’ll try that out.