More Issues with Nixstats?

Started using hextrixtools yesterday. Until now, it has been working perfectly.


You can even install it on shared hosting (cron job a .php file), it’s pretty good to monitor shared hosting if you use it. Also you can setup notifications on domain renewals, SSL renewals, and a lot of other stuff.


Hey, I’m glad you’re liking it :+1:

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Also switched over today! Very Happy So far!

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Report it to Vincent and he will have a look. We didnt notice any weird behaviour in our end.

After gentle prompting, his damn chat widget doesn’t popover every subpage anymore, either!

Email him :smiley:

I stopped using it, the client is sometimes unpredictable.
In terms of memory usage or CPU usage.

Creating a tiny python script, which sends data to an API is not a big thing:

Sure his has some features which that script not has, but still.
Maybe he should rewrite it, no idea.

@Neoon You were using a monitoring agent that was released in June 2017, about 20 releases behind so if you upgraded your (beta software) agent there would have been no problem.

Anyways if anyone is having issues it’s best to report that directly either by email ([email protected]) or through the live chat.

@WSS I’m still not sure why the chat window kept opening but it seems like it’s not doing that anymore after contacting about this.


Just blame his browser addons. Any answer with an 80% probability rate is good enough for @WSS.

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You really are a snarky bitch sometimes.

Well, I never got an email about critical agent updates or a message on the dashboard when logged in.
Maybe you should tell users, when you have a update available?

I confirm it does show in the dashboard if you have an outdated agent… :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, but even when, I am not brothered to patch.

Since, I do only apply patches when there is a need to apply them, like he said above he fixed critical stuff.
But he told no one, so how should I know then?

If you are not bothered to patch then you really do not a have an excuse.

Well, you deemed there to be a problem that would imply a need to apply a patch.

At this time when I had these issues, I was not aware.
No idea since when the feature has been implemented or the patched version was available.

Even then, I would only patch if I knew I had issues, and I got a Changelog or notification to tell me about what changed.

I see. I do agree that Vincent needs to improve that area. Perhaps email the clients or something if there is a new version of the agent.

It shows on several pages, if you didn’t see this you must’ve not logged in for more than 6 months.

We do report critical updates now we’re in production. During the beta we expected the users to take the effort themselves. In total 3 of 5500 users were affected by the issue you had.

I’m pretty sure you know we have live chat on our dashboard. If you had any issues you just needed to contact me and this would’ve been solved right away. You would’ve probably also seen the update your agent message :wink:

You know how we do @vfuse, we’re a flaky bunch more likely to make an off hand comment when the subject arises than troubleshoot. It’s typical of us hosting nerds.

Ah yes, well in that case at Nixstats is our prefered method of communication :wink: