microLXC Public Test

SG is available now, including a /64 IPv6 routed subnet, dnsproxy and haproxy support.
Thanks to https://webhorizon.net/

Currently 2 Packages are available.

  • 1x Core (25%), 256MB, 3GB ZFS, 200GB with 50Mbit (default package)
  • 1x Core (50%), 512MB, 5GB ZFS, 200GB with 150Mbit

If you have any suggestions, lemme know.


Console is now available on microLXC.
This will spawn a shell inside your container or virtual machine (if you still have lxd-agent installed)
Different options without spawning a shell will follow.


Aside from spawning a Shell, you can now use Console, to attach to your container or virtual machine.


I scheduled a weekly maintenance window, every Sunday at 11AM CET.
For around 15 minutes, no tasks will be executed.

This won’t impact any running virtual machines or containers.
However, deployments or reinstallations will be suspended for the given time.

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The SG VM is getting moved to another node on Friday, 10 AM GMT, 7th July 2023.
Expect some downtime around that time.

I wanted actually to do more, however, it has been delayed already but the patch has been tested sooooo here we go

Switching from slot based to resource based Instead of 1 Slot, you get 1GB of available memory you can use as you want.
Currently there are no rules or limits, besides your allocation and if the location has stock.
I will see how things will develop, adding rules or limits based on that.

Due to switching to resource based pools, the 50GB Plan in Norway has been limited to 10 slots, which is about half of the SSD’s storage, the Package just exists because terrahost decided to throw in a TB SSD.

Enabled the 128MB Package again, probably will do more Packages, already at roughly 20 right now, counting disabled and enabled ones.
May do Regional 128MB Packages with more Storage.

The current 128MB Package is Global.
Had no time yet, to test the templates on 64MB, so not enabled yet, 128MB Package already does not support all operating systems.

Increased minimum Uplink to 100Mbit on all Packages, no matter what size, same goes for IPv6 you get a /64 on everything, routed, except Tokyo.
Also increased the CPU caps to a minimum of 50%, Norway has been unleashed to 200%, since its a Dedi


SG & NL is back available.
Plus, the Dashboard will show you now how much Memory you have spend and how much you can spend.

Smol useful feature.

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Will do a quick reboot on Singapore and Groningen on Friday, at around 21:00 UTC.
More Stock should be available afterwards.

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Very cool, looking forward to working with it. I was born in Groningen, but I already have a machine in NL, and right now located in TH, so chose SG…!

Got no response at all, so trying again: 9550-93ec-bdf5-e10d
(I don’t want to be impatient, but I got the impression that the whole process is automated, and the script is supposed to check my post with the code and whether I match the requirements…)

EDIT: Maybe it is a manual check, in which case please disregard one of my attempts to apply.

The thing is, you have to complete the setup.
According to the logs, you actually passed verification however you never completed it aka you just closed your browser window.

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Never closed it, but it must have timed out. By the time I checked the tab, it was back to the start. I’ll keep a better eye on it now, thanks.


It’s been going now for half an hour. Is it perhaps struggling with the length of the thread…?

EDIT: It must have fully timed out (perhaps 30 mins?), it’s back to the launch page, it never went past Token Verification.

Last try: 45f2-f8c3-ea10-ee36

EDIT: After around 33 mins. it went from “Verifying account” to “Deploy”. I tried refreshing in-between this time to see if that would do anything, but it just stayed on the Verifying account page. Perhaps this is the natural end to the Public Test…? :worried:


@pepa65 If it takes longer than 5 minutes, something is likely broken.
In this case it was, I fixed it.

The system when verifying what you post, does not follow redirects neither does it read the same comment twice. The domain was changed back and forth and I didn’t update all parts, ideally its just one but I didn’t refactor it yet.

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Fix confirmed! Thank you so much for all you do in terms of providing infrastructure to the needy…!

Helsinki is now available, No IPv6 however, plan was running a wg tunnel back to Norway, however routing was not feasible.
Right now its without IPv6 and probably will stay this way, local brokers are available though.

Thanks to https://pulsedmedia.com

Currently 4 Packages are available.

  • 1x Core (100%), 512MB, 10GB ZFS Raid 1, 1TB @ 200Mbit
  • 1x Core (100%), 512MB, 50GB ZFS Raid 1, 1TB @ 200Mbit, Limited to 5
  • 1x Core (100%), 1024MB, 25GB ZFS Raid 1, 1TB @ 200Mbit
  • 1x Core (100%), 1024MB, 50GB ZFS Raid 1, 1TB @ 200Mbit, Limited to 5

This Location will be KVM only for now, since this is our first machine with Debian, I don’t have a live kernel patching solution yet so no LXC, expect a reboot though every now and then, will be announced here.
Because we don’t have smoler packages available, the is currently a 50% discount off the memory usage, so if you get the 512MB package it will be calculated as 256MB and so on until the Node is about half full.

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/48 IPv6 for PK is on the way, should be available in the next few days.
Took a bit longer than expected.

No ETA for Tokyo though.
The containers on Tokyo have been restarted today accidentally, I needed to replace a certificate however I did a restart instead of a reload, hence the reboot.