💸 Black Friday 2019 - Loads of Great Deals and Giveaways!

All commenters were automagically entered :slight_smile:

Coupon passes to @samm.

New rule: Once/if the alternate winners list is depleted, prizes can go to anyone who wishes to accept said prize.

I didn’t even realize I was taking part in a giveaway. Right now I still have my free Lunanode credit to eat up, so it is fair to say, someone else can have my prize :slight_smile: Thanks though!

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One of the Skylon Host coupon passes to @Hooligan


As much as I respect @FHR, I need another VPS like I need another hole in my head.

I’d love to try it out, but I’m not going to waste his time for something I’m probably not going to keep.

@Mason, maybe you should stack these together and can yourself a new python dev box. :slight_smile:


Probably for the best… we’ve been trying to plug the gaping one in the front of your head for awhile now to no avail.

Heh, I’ve restrained myself heavily this year since I’m actively trying to consolidate all my shit. Ended up not buying a single server even though there were quite a few tempting offers.

Coupon passes to @imok. Get yourself a nice 512MB KVM for a month in CZ for freeeeee! :slight_smile:


Random comment for small chance of winning

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I win something! Thank you!!!

But but but… I’ve read good comments about @FHR business. Unfortunately they are in Europe and I’m in Latam; that’s too far away to me become a potential customer next month. So I prefer somebody else takes the credit.

Thank you very much guys!

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The reason why I never play those mobile game is because I can’t hit the 5 star target in the pool even it is 35%.
Never :face_with_head_bandage:

I swear… if you give away something, completely for free, less people want it than if you’d sell it for a small fee instead :rofl:


Next in line for succession is @wordpress :slight_smile:

I really want it, but I want to be able to use it too XD

Congraaaatulations winners!

Do PM me and I will have the accounts sorted tomorrow :grin::+1:


I’d like to donate my coupon to @Wolveix

As he didn’t win any, and put a lot of effort into setting this thread up in the first place.


I appreciate that pal :slight_smile: But we’re excluded from the giveaway, and I think one of the alternate winners should get it instead if you absolutely don’t want it!


Congrats winners! Thanks to orginizers and price providers! :clap::sunglasses::grin:

Fak, trying to claim this and I keep getting 502s.


VirMach with their crazy deals.

Picked up my first BF/CM purchase a few hours ago thanks to them. 4 core / 8gb ram / 60gb ssd / Piscataway NJ - $24/yr. Will make a nice web server.


Coupon will go to the next alternate winner, @Skander, should he want it. I excluded HB staff from the drawing to prevent any claims of lottery rigging, etc. Our reward is seeing you guys have a successful BF/CM :slight_smile:


Alright… Somebody buy a (free) Skylon VM and let us all know how it is :slight_smile:. Don’t let those coupons go to waste!!