How does your schedule look this week for that call?
It’s a good look for you.
Appreciate it, but I was speaking on behalf of Daddy @Jarland.
1-3PM Central time looks to be open every day this week right now.
I manage a few dedicated boxes for clients running cpanel, although none of them are close to being affected by the new pricing due to so few accounts.
One has ~75 accounts on it, but runs on a VPS.
A few months back I was considering moving one of my “shared” servers over to cpanel for ease of management but the new pricing has changed that.
Mr. Tom, if you have 75 accounts on either a VPS or Bare-Metal your price will go up. You likely were paying somewhere around $15/month for your VPS license previously. I believe your new bill will probably $32/month.
Ah yeah. BAre metal licence covers you up to 100 accounts, but over the VPS licence has changed too.