Anyone upgraded yet?
Any big issues come up?
I see there’s already been a maintenance release but nothing game breaking like the 7.7.1 updates.
Anyone upgraded yet?
Any big issues come up?
I see there’s already been a maintenance release but nothing game breaking like the 7.7.1 updates.
Are you going to switch to Blesta?
If I was to swap billing systems I’d just build something into Stallion.
I updated 2-3 days ago, no issues at all from what I have seen.
I’m going to upgrade tonight, I’ll let you know how it goes boss.
Very interested in any feedback from those who have upgraded. We use Quantum Vault (the tokenized version of Quantum Gateway) so the significant changes to the card processing stuff in 7.8 is especially concerning. I’ve seen a few people complaining about glitches with users getting billed multiple times.
Yesterday I did have someone complain about getting double billed on their card, but the two “PREAUTH” charges (same $) were pending. I refunded them because I couldn’t setup the service, but I told them to tell me if the second payment actually posts on their account. I assume it would drop off in a day or two.
no problem for me so far and I like the inbuilt 2FA now
No issues reported yet. Although, SCA is a pita, starting in 14th it will surely cause some mess.
As told to fran already.
I already had a ticket open with whmcs, and they checked. I was told to wait until 7.8.2 to get the issue fixed. I had 3 customers get double charged(Not an authorization, but a charge).
The double charges happened during the nightly cron job, but on the cron job report email; it didn’t report anything captured, nor added into whmcs at all.
I found that whmcs doesn’t really like 7.3 (at least in my environment) but 7.2 works wonders.
I had to downgrade back to 7.7 using a backup i took right before the 7.8. I never had this issue with any other previous releases at all. (I use for alll // Stripe for one client)
I was really hoping to take advantage of the server sync tool, and the Free 2FA
I’m glad I wait a while for the rest of you to be the guinea pigs.
Some of the bugs they have (like the one @MikeA had where subscriptions charged to the wrong user) make no sense. How do the UserID’s get mixed? They should only be handling a single user at a time unless subscriptions are purely a batch job.
Yeah, that’s always the strategy with new versions, especially new major versions. Always run at least one full version behind. We’re getting ready to install 7.7.x after running 7.6.x now. It always takes a while to work out the bugs. On 7.8, they changed so much with payment gateways that there were bound to be problems.
I live life on the edge. My billing panel does too.
@Francisco not sure what you mean by subscriptions to the wrong user. The thing I was explaining was just that a user got charged twice for the same thing, but I think it is just a auth charge and not something that would post on their account because they never replied to me.
Gee, thanks boss.
I have no idea honestly what they messed up in this.
If only we had source code, then my life would be happy.
I fer sure upgraded.
You know all about that though.
On a fresh install of 7.8 (we recently switched from Blesta), the order form was being bitchy about not loading the next steps of the checkout process.
Turns out it was missing jQuery UI (afaik they removed it). Adding them back manually to the correct paths fixed my issue.
WHMCS is the definition of “the left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing” it seems.
Don’t sign your posts.
Bite my glorious golden ass.