How to Learn C++?

I am leaving c in college, it really fucks me.

Quite hard

D++ is where it’s at.

The more you learn to extend it, the better it gets.


What’s it for ?

busy with Z++ now, it’s just point and click, with eye blink detection

LOL, good luck :v

Ok, was just kidding a bit.

If you want something simple, but still powerful, look for low-code (or even no-code) :

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It might take about 30 seconds to do, but getting from development to staging may take fucking months.


No i want to code myself

Try Purebasic… compiled to fast FASM binaries, for Win, Linux, Mac

79 euro one time fee for compiling to all 3 platforms, life updates and support.

The IDE is pretty good, with a nice debugger.

You can download it for free for any platform, fully functional, just a limit of 200 lines of code.

The community (forum) is ok too

The installer comes with a big amount of examples, cool stuff.

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for me, codeblocks is better

I was a fluent Modula-II coder back as a teenager. Just wanted to say something. Thanks for reading.


Shoulda updated to md4.

This is a pretty cool site with side by side comparison of different languages :


Learn Rust : ), it gives you memory safety out of the box.

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C++ is an old-school systems language, not a good choice for beginners at all. Python is the most popular for beginners these days.

For intro programming book, try Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs

Python is interpreted, C++ is compiled.

The running speed difference is huge, so please don’t compare apples to pears.

I don’t believe @Willie was comparing them, but instead recommending an easier alternative for a beginner.

Yes, I was comparing by ease of learning, and also convenience even after you are already fluent. C++ is almost a specialized niche by now. If you want something faster than Python, the next thing to try is probably Golang, which is much easier than C++ though not quite as fast. In practice unless you’re doing game development or something else performance critical, Python is fast enough for most purposes, especially since you’ll offload the heavy lifting to other programs such as database servers, numerics libraries (numpy), etc.